How can I book my desk in Seatti? 👩🏻‍💻

If you don't have any booking yet for a given day, simply choose "add booking" and Seatti will suggest the desk of your last booking if it's still available.

Seatti gives you an overview of which of your colleagues are planning to come to the office and lets you book a workplace that meets your needs with a few clicks.

Seatti has two main functions: Planning and Meeting

When you open the app, you automatically see the planning view
and everything you might have already booked.


  1. Click on Add Booking
  2. Choose the length of your booking
    If you don't want to book for the whole day, you can book flexibly and either choose from one of the 3 predefined options:
    1. All Day
    2. Morning
    3. Afternoon

    4. define a different period yourself
  3. Choose a workspace 
    To book something, you can click through the available spaces per office.
    Simply select an option from the first dropdown and a new dropdown will open automatically.
    This repeats until you reach the lowest structure level: the workspaces.

    In this example the first 4 dropdowns are structural elements - "Tisch 6" is a bookable resource and therefore shows in the last dropdown. This desk is what you can book.
    When you open a dropdown, it will show you how full that area is already. 
  4. Take a look at the Floor Plan for orientation.
    If you don't know your way around the office yet or want to try out a new workspace somewhere you don't normally sit, clicking on the purple button opens the Floor Plan which can help you find your way around.

    The Floor Plan opens in a new window and if you select another dropdown level with a connected Floor Plan, that corresponding plan is automatically displayed. Here you can also see whether, for example, desk 1 desk 2 are next to or opposite each other.

    ❗If you select a space from the dropdown for which no Floor Plan is connected, the window closes automatically and you return to the normal booking mask.

    If your admin has linked the workspaces, you can use the interactive Floor Plan.
    You can cidentify an interactive plan by the green circles on it. You can simply click on a workspace and it is directly selected. 🍿 This works just like booking a chair for the movies. You only have to click on Select and Book to complete your booking. 

    If you can't find a workspace as a circle (like Desk 8 here, for example), it probably hasn't been linked by your admin yet. But you can still select and book via the dropdown. Ideally you let your admin know that there is something missing.

    If someone has already booked a workspace at the time you selected, you will see their picture or the initials of the colleagues instead of the green circle.
  5. If you want, you can enter more information, e.g. if you are up to meet up for lunch, if you are working on a specific project, etc. Colleagues can see what you have entered in the Meetup view. This specification is a free text input field and optional, so you can also leave it blank. If the field does not appear, your admin has not activated it.
  6. You can book anonymously if you don't want colleagues to find you via the Meetup view. Neither will your name be displayed in the dropdown of the booking mask.
    You yourself can always see your booking with all details, but no one else.
    This can be useful in some cases, e.g. if you are working on a secret project or need some peace and quiet. In most cases, however, it is recommended to simply book normally (default setting: slider on grey). After all, you probably also want to see in Meetup where the others will be, so that you can meet up with them in the office.
  7. Now you just have to click on Book and you will get a confirmation that the workspace is reserved for you.

Seatti helps you to make your booking as easy as effortless as possible by

  • suggesting your last booking
  • the Copy Last Week button which lets you book your whole week with one click
  • the Book Nearby button which suggests a workspace in the same space where a colleague you want to work with already booked so you can be close.

If you already have a booking for a day, you can specify whether you want to book a workspace or another resource. Here you will only see options that are available in your company. So if you, for example, don't see any Parking Spaces it's because the module is not used at your company.

In case you are asked to make a booking for someone else, you can find a guide here:
on-behalf booking. But we recommend that everyone makes their own booking in Seatti. 😉

With the black button Meetup on the top right you can easily switch the view your colleagues' bookings and see how your colleagues have planned their week, who you would like to sit next to and who you can meet where and when.