How do I set up Priority Booking?

With Priority Booking, you can give a specific group the privilege to book an area or certain resources, allowing you to manage your home zones effectively.

In the Admin Panel under "Areas," you can now set Priority Booking for specific areas or resources.

  1. Activate Priority Booking: Simply toggle the switch at "Area prioritizable for booking."
  2. Assign Priority Groups: Add the group that should have priority for booking this area in the "Priority Groups" section.

This process works the same for any individual bookable resource. This allows you to completely customize your areas.

Areas and resources available for Priority Booking will automatically be made available for booking by others 24 hours in advance.


Tip: If you are using home zones, you can easily set them up with Priority Booking.

Example: The Marketing Team has their home zone on the first floor, desks 10-18. You create a Marketing Priority Group (an Azure Security Group) for the 8 spaces. Up to 24 hours beforehand, these desks are only bookable by the Marketing Team. If there are any spaces still available 24 hours in advance, other employees from different teams can also book them.

Priority Booking allows for a very flexible design of office spaces and efficient use of resources. If there isn't enough space in one area, but there is availability in another, employees can now book those spaces as well. This ensures that the Priority Group can book before anyone else.